Agile O’Day 2019



Agile O'Day 2019

21 giugno 2019

Piazzale Vincenzo Tecchio, 80, 80125 Napoli NA

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@agilecampania – #agileoday2019


Agility in Innovation Era


I continui cambiamenti del mercato, supportati da una tecnologia digitale sempre in evoluzione, stanno spingendo le organizzazioni a ripensare se stesse adottando un mix di soluzioni che consentono di rispondere al mantra della Continous Delivery senza dimenticare di valorizzare il bene più prezioso: le Persone.

In questo scenario l’Agile sta trovando nuovi spazi e nuove declinazioni che portano anche a riflessioni profonde senza però alterarne i Valori portanti.

L’Agile ‘O Day 2019 vuole aprire una finestra su tutto questo e guardare oltre, raccontando le nuove frontiere di adozione dell’Agile, di Lean e DevOps e il nuovo mindset culturale che sta cambiando le organizzazioni moderne.


2019 agileoday programma 


ambler scott

Choose Your WoW! Optimizing Your Way to Innovation

by Scott Ambler

What does it mean for a team to be innovative? Innovative teams identify what their customers want, and to do that they experiment and get feedback. Innovative teams act on what they learn, and react quickly to changes in the marketplace. They do these things by working together effectively and producing high-quality work that is easy to evolve. In short, innovative teams work in a disciplined manner that reflects the situation that they face.

Innovation requires skill, hard work, and flexibility. Will a team building a mobile application for a bank work in the same way as a team building a mobile application for an e-commerce firm, or in the same was a team building a data analytics solution, or in the same way as a team facing an undefined problem? No, of course not. Those are unique teams facing unique situations, so they must work in a manner that best addresses their context. To be innovative they will need to adopt a way of working (WoW) that meets the needs of the situation that they face. And they will need to evolve their WoW as their situation evolves.

Innovative agile teams own their process, they choose their WoW. But how do you do this effectively? How do you choose your WoW, and then evolve your WoW as you learn and as your situation evolves? Furthermore, how does your organization’s leadership guide and support a multitude of teams, all of whom are working in unique ways? This keynote will show you how this can be done using proven, practical strategies.Scott is a Senior Consulting Partner of Scott Ambler + Associates, working with organizations around the world to help them to adopt Enterprise Agile strategies. He provides training, coaching, and mentoring in disciplined agile and lean strategies at both the project and organizational level. Scott is the (co)-creator of the Disciplined Agile (DA) framework and the Agile Modeling (AM) and Agile Data (AD) methodologies. He is the (co-)author of several books, including An Executive’s Guide to the Disciplined Agile Framework, Disciplined Agile Delivery, Refactoring Databases, Agile Modeling, Agile Database Techniques,, and The Object Primer 3 rd Edition. Scott blogs regularly at and his company’s home page is



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